Housing options and cost

As you are selecting your room, be aware:

Bren-Dell: First floor will house men. The second floor, women. The third floor, men.

Hirschy Annex: First floor will house men. The second floor, women. The third floor, men.

Hirschy: First floor will house women. The second floor, men. Third floor, offline. 

Neufeld: All floors will be co-ed, men will be in the east wing and women will be in the west wing. 

Ramseyer: First and second floor will house men. Third floor will house women.

Ropp Annex: First is offline. The second floor, men. Third floor will house women.

Ropp Addition: First floor will house women. Second floor will house men. Third floor is will house women. 

Old Ropp: Second floor will house men. Third & fourth floor will house women.


Additional Information:
