Welcome Parents & Family

As your child leaves home for college, whether it's the first time or the last, we know you'll worry.

That's what parents do.

But here, you can find helpful resources to ease your anxiety. After all, Bluffton University provides a safe, supportive, respectful environment for intellectual, personal, professional and spiritual growth. We've been providing quality education since 1899!

Residence life at Bluffton fosters a community that's like a home away from home for your child. And you're invited to be involved in campus activities too, everything from our annual Homecoming weekends to Bluffton Beavers intercollegiate athletics, a wide range of arts and cultural opportunities and much more.

Our excellent academic programs, designed and guided by Bluffton's outstanding faculty, encourage your student's current and future success.

Questions or concerns? Let us know how we can help.

