Master's of Arts in Education

Graduate programs in education

Become a more knowledgeable educator,
enhance the learning in your classroom

Bluffton’s MAEd program is online, self-paced and focused on your goals! Choose from three concentrations—reading endorsement, intervention specialist licensure or leadership.

Stand alone programs

Reading Endorsement or Intervention Specialist Licensure programs can be completed separately, leading to Ohio Department of Education teaching credentials.

The Leadership Concentration may also be completed separately for professional knowledge. It does not lead to additional ODE credentials.

If desired, complete the MAEd with an additional six core courses.

Intervention specialist licensure

Prepare to teach students with mild to moderate education needs with an intervention specialist K-12 mild/moderate education needs license. 

The next IS cohort begins in january 2025

More about intervention specialist licensure

Dr. Amy Mullins, director of graduate programs in education, answers common questions about Bluffton University's Master of Arts in Education.

Master of Arts in Education

Complete six core courses and a concentration in intervention specialist, reading or leadership to earn a cost-effective, convenient and challenging graduate degree in education. The complete MAEd program can be completed in 12-months.
Course requirements >


Reading concentration/endorsement

Add the reading endorsement to your teaching license by taking as few as four classes in one summer. Experiential learning hours may be completed in your own classroom/school.

Two online classes offered each session:
 June 3-28 and  July 1-26, 2024
Dates for 2025 will be announced later. 

  • Courses based on the Science of Reading pedagogy.
  • Fulfills the Third grade Reading Guarantee requirement
  • Qualifies educators as Title 1 teachers
  • Completely online
  • 12 credit hours
  • OAE required for reading endorsement
  • Additional phonics class required if not taken with undergraduate studies.
  • Prerequisite: Undergraduate reading courses based on license.

One of the most needed specializations in Northwest Ohio, providing the skills to identify literacy needs and adapt lessons to meet those needs.

This concentration can be completed as part of the MAEd degree or by itself to earn a reading endorsement.


Intervention specialist concentration/licensure

Complete online courses toward an intervention specialist licensure in one year. Experiential learning hours may be completed in your own classroom or school.

  • Prepare educators to teach students with mild to moderate education needs
  • Combination of online and video-conference classes
  • Upon program completion, pass the appropriate state required exam and apply to the state for the intervention specialist license
  • Prerequisite: introductory course in intervention specialist
  • Finish in 23 semester hours

This concentration can be completed as part of the MAEd degree or by itself to earn an intervention specialist K-12 mild/moderate education needs license.

Leadership concentration

Bluffton’s leadership concentration addresses the nature of supervisory relationships, the leader’s level of self-understanding and emotional intelligence, and the role of the leader as an agent of change.

  • Prepares teachers to become a building leader in instructional design and curriculum development.
  • Combination of online and video-conference classes.
  • 12 credit hours

For more information about Bluffton’s Graduate Programs in Education, contact

Ethan Stearns
Adult and graduate studies recruiter

Request more information online.
