Internships & opportunities


Your faculty adviser will work closely with you to help locate an internship to support your career interests.

In the past students have gained internship experience at

  • Bluffton News
  • Musselman Library
  • Bluffton University Public Relations Office
  • Six Disciplines
  • Arts Partnership
  • St. Rita’s Hospital


Get involved 

English Club
The English Club sponsors activities pertaining to a broad range of topics in English, literature and theatre including campus poetry readings, trips to theatre productions and dinners with faculty and students.


An annual printed literary magazine, Shalith, features poetry, fiction, essays and artwork by students and faculty. This annual publication is edited and produced by students.

Bridge Staff Spring 2018Bridge literary journal
Students serve as editorial associates for Bridge: The Bluffton University Literary Journal, which publishes works from the best young writers age 14-24.


Writing Center
The department employs four to six student workers through the Learn and Earn campus employment program. These students assist English and Spanish faculty and staff the Writing Center. At times, students are also hired to work with professors as research assistants.

Departmental honors program 
The departmental honors program allows students to earn credit in their junior and senior years for a special project. The English department has been especially active in this program, with many outstanding seniors completing honors projects.


Additional opportunities

  • Win $200 cash for an outstanding research or interpretive essay on a literary topic written for a course or independent study at Bluffton University.
    More about the Naomi Brenneman Essay Contest
  • Students have seen their work published in a variety of national undergraduate literary journals. Jen Grathwol, Mandy Tirey and Mandy Benton have had poetry published in the Cedarville Review. Lowell Wyse, through a contest, had his essay selected for publication in the Georgetown Review, and Heidi Martin had a literary analysis published in The Oswald Review.
  • The annual English Festival brings significant authors to campus each year. Since 1984, visiting writers have included William Stafford, Gwendolyn Brooks, Scott Russell Sanders, Nikki Giovanni, Julia Kasdorf, Andrew Hudgins, Janet Kauffman, Jean Janzen, Charles Baxter, David Baker, Keith Ratzlaff, Erin McGraw, Maggie Anderson, Tim Gautreaux, Mary Grimm, Audrey Petty, Herbert Woodward Martin, Li-Young Lee and many others. 