7 reasons to work on campus
Student jobs on campus are the ultimate Win-Win situation. You gain much needed experience, support, CASH… Faculty and staff gain needed assistance.
Learn and Earn program

Student assistants in the Bluffton public relations office gain hands on experience crafting messages by video, graphics, social media, web and the written word.
Student employees are a valuable asset to the Bluffton community. Through the Learn &
Earn program students may gain work experience in their area of academic study, identify
career objectives, gain transferable skills useful in a variety of careers and earn
a paycheck.
Campus jobs open to all students
On-campus employment opportunities are open to all students. Applications open early July.
Viewing available positions through your My.Bluffton.edu account under the Student tab. The link to Learn & Earn E-Hire is located in the left margin. Open positions can be found through the search function under the Employment Position Application link.
Apply for as many positions as you would like. A supervisor will reach out to candidates they are interested in before the start of classes.
Tax forms: Before you can start a position, you will need to complete employment forms on ADP (your hiring supervisor will provide more details).
Two forms of acceptable identification includes:
- Driver license
- Passport
- Original birth certificate (not a copy)
- Original social security card (not a copy)
Students earn minimum wage. Payments are disbursed on the 15th and the last day of
each month. Payments are direct deposited into a personal bank account.
Summer employment
The university employs Bluffton traditional undergraduate students to work on campus during the summer months.
Many summer jobs are 40 hours per week. Positions are available in buildings and grounds, dining services, heavy cleaning, Marbeck Center, technology center, library and various other offices.
Faculty or staff supervisors typically approach current students to offer summer positions.
Contact us if you have questions about the Learn & Earn Program.