Accelerated bachelor and master degree program

2024 MAEd graduates

2024 MAEd graduates

Learn beside established educators

Continue seamlessly into studies for a Master of Arts in Education upon completion of your bachelor’s degree. Continue to live on campus - if you want. Be involved in collegiate athletics and student life. And study with with established educators during the 13-month online graduate program.

3+1 program for P-5 and IS 

Primary P-5 or Intervention Specialist students can complete their bachelor’s degree and licensure in three years. Then in the following 13 months, complete the MAEd with reading endorsement.

The following requirements must be met to be eligible for the three-year baccalaureate program: 

  • High school GPA of 3.4 
  • ACT composite of 24 
  • SAT 1110 (verbal and math)  

A three-year course plan is provided as a guideline to complete the Primary: P-5 or intervention specialist major.The Master of Arts in Education with reading endorsement can be completed in 13 months.
This schedule is not flexible and must be closely followed to ensure all requirements are met.

4+1 program for AYA/middle childhood education

13-month plan for online MAEd with reading endorsement 

Summer 1 (June)
EDU 627 Curriculum and Instruction: Reading and Writing
EDU 665 Advanced Reading Assessment, Diagnosis & Evaluation

Summer 2 (July)
EDU 642 Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties
EDU 655 Instructional Design: Literacy Across the Curriculum

EDU 650 Research Methods (first half)
EDU 629 Data-Informed Educational Leadership (second half)

EDU 695 Teachers as Action Researchers
EDU 634 Special Topics (first half)

Summer (June)
EDU 615 Differentiated Instruction
EDU 645 Educational Technology
