Ministry requirements

Each year, students are chosen to serve on the ministry team with campus pastor Chalsi Campbell. See the requirements to be on the ministry team and all the different positions available such as  Hall chaplain/BASIC leader, chapel assistant, and chapel band - worship leader

Applications are due Monday, March 13.

Ministry Team Application >

Hall chaplains/Basic leaders

The hall chaplain position is a 3 hour/week student position. The position is overseen by the campus pastor, and together with the campus pastor, pastoral assistants, worship leader, and chapel assistants make up the ministry team. The position officially begins two weeks before the beginning of classes in the fall semester, and continues through the rest of the school year. 


  • Be at least a sophomore at Bluffton University during the 2023-24 school year.
  • Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA
  • Active involvement in campus ministries at Bluffton University
  • Show evidence of a committed Christian lifestyle
  • Have a willingness to be discipled and a desire to disciple others in the Christian life


  • Maintain a consistent and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Serve as a healthy example of the Christian lifestyle to your residents and to the larger Bluffton community. This includes abiding by the code of conduct as part of our community of respect. 
  • Build relationships with students on your floor/hall and serve as a source of support and encouragement to them in their relationship with God and relationships with others.
  • Make intentional efforts to bring a spiritual life and presence to your floor/hall.
  • Provide various campus ministry events and activities to residents in your hall.
  • Give leadership (either individually or with other ministry team members) to activities that promote spiritual growth on your floor/hall.
  • Attend weekly Chapel services and also participate in other campus ministry activities as you are able. 
  • Be actively involved in residence hall activities and serve as a resource and encouragement to your resident advisors and hall director.
  • Work closely with your resident advisor and hall director, including being a member of the hall association for your resident hall.
  • Attend all Ministry Team meetings involving the hall chaplains.


  • The hall chaplain will be supervised by and report directly to the Campus Pastor. The pastoral assistants (PAs) will also provide support. 
  • The hall chaplains meet approximately twice monthly as a team, for the purpose of worship, Bible Study, and support, as well as for ministry equipping and training. On the opposite weeks, the ministry team will meet as a small group led by a pastoral assistant. 
  • The hall chaplains will meet individually with the campus pastor at least twice per semester. 

Chapel assistant

The chapel assistant position is a 3 hour/week student position. The position is overseen by the campus pastor, and together with the campus pastor, pastoral assistants, worship leader, and hall chaplains make up the ministry team. The position officially begins two weeks before the beginning of classes in the fall semester, and continues through the rest of the school year. 


  • Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA
  • Active involvement in campus ministries at Bluffton University
  • Show evidence of a committed Christian lifestyle
  • Have a willingness to be discipled and a desire to disciple others in the Christian life


  • Maintain a consistent and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Serve as a healthy example of the Christian lifestyle to your residents and to the larger Bluffton community. This includes abiding by the code of conduct as part of our community of respect. 
  • Help plan and execute chapel on a weekly basis – including but not limited to – finding the call to worship, scriptures, and benediction for the week, as well as the readers, creating the powerpoint for chapel, livestreaming the chapel service, and going to the chapel band practice on Wednesday nights.
  • Attend weekly Chapel services.
  • Participate in other campus ministry activities as you are able.  
  • Attend all Ministry Team meetings.
  • Work closely and help coordinate with student organizations as they participate in chapel.
  • Attend all Ministry Team meetings involving the chapel assistants.


The chapel assistant will be supervised by and report directly to the Campus Pastor. The pastoral assistants (PAs) and a spiritual mentor will also provide support.

The ministry team will meet approximately twice monthly as a team, for the purpose of worship, Bible Study, and support, as well as for ministry equipping and training. 

The chapel assistants will meet briefly once a week to ensure that everything is ready to go for chapel on Thursdays.

chapel band - Worship leader

The worship leader is a 3 hour/week student position. The position is overseen by the campus pastor, and together with the campus pastor, pastoral assistants, chapel planners, and hall chaplains make up the ministry team. The position officially begins two weeks before the beginning of classes in the fall semester, and continues through the rest of the school year. 


  • Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA
  • Active involvement in campus ministries at Bluffton University
  • Show evidence of a committed Christian lifestyle
  • Have a willingness to be discipled and a desire to disciple others in the Christian life
  • Have played in the chapel band consistently for 1 year


  • Maintain a consistent and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ 
  • Serve as a healthy example of the Christian lifestyle to your residents and to the larger Bluffton community. This includes abiding by the code of conduct as part of our community of respect. 
  • Help plan and execute chapel on a weekly basis – including but not limited to – finding music for chapel, finding singers and musicians for chapel each week
  • Run chapel band practice weekly 
  • Lead all weekly Chapel services 
  • Participate in other campus ministry activities as you are able.  
  • Attend all Ministry Team meetings 
  • Work closely with the chapel planning assistants to be sure chapel runs smoothly and themes are consistent 


  • The worship leader will be supervised by and report directly to the Campus Pastor. The pastoral assistants (PAs) mentor will also provide support. 
  • The ministry team will meet approximately twice monthly as a team, for the purpose of worship, Bible Study, and support, as well as for ministry equipping and training. 
  • The worship leader will meet briefly once a week with the chapel planning team to ensure that everything is ready to go for chapel on Thursdays 

  • You are allowed to have other campus jobs in addition to the ministry team positions. 
  • Ministry assistants will go through an application process by the campus pastor. 