Area church directory
Churches in the village of Bluffton
- Bluffton Baptist
- Bluffton Presbyterian
- Community Bible Church
- Ebenezer Mennonite
- Emmanual United Church of Christ
- English Evangelical Lutheran
- First Mennonite
- First United Methodist
- Pleasant View United Methodist
- St. John’s Bible Church
- St. Mary's Catholic
- Shepherd's Flock Apostolic Pentecostal
- Tri-County Family Assembly of God
- Trinity United Methodist
Cable Road Alliance
2264 N. Cable Rd.
Lima, OH 45807
Average attendance: 230
Associate Pastor: Jason Snyder
Worship coordination: Vince Herrera
Children’s director: Josie Christie
Youth director: Jason Snyder
Missions director: Natasha Graham
Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Men’s ministry: Geoff Bermosk; 6:30-8:00 p.m. Wednesday bible study
Women’s ministry: Miriam Jueckstock, Cheryl Zimmerly
Other meeting times: Prayer meetings 7-8 p.m. Wednesday
Life groups meet at various times throughout the
Opportunities to serve: Worship team, media, prayer team, ministry, men/women/youth/kids ministry, missions,
nursery, Life groups, outreach
Worship style: Blended, informal, Bible based
Transportation: Check with Bluffton families
Assembly of God
First Assembly of God
1660 Findlay Rd.
Lima. OH 45801
Average attendance: 800
Pastor: Rev. J. Randy Davis
Associate pastor: Keith Wilson
Youth pastor: Jonathan Taylor
Worship time: 6:30 p.m. Saturday; 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday
Young adults: 6 p.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 7 p.m. Wednesday, family night
Opportunities to serve: Youth ministry, music ministry and outreach evangelism
Worship style: Informal, Spirit-filled and Spirit-directed
Transportation: Can be worked out
Tri-county Family Assembly of God
835 N. Main St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 60-70
Pastor: Rev. Terry D. Hunt
Counselor and Christan education minister: Lori A. Hunt M.A.C.; P.S.C.; C.C.I.T.
Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sundays
Christian education: 9 a.m. Sundays
Fusion: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, students grades 7-12
Family ministries: 7 p.m. Wednesdays
Opportunities to serve: Christian education, music, children's ministries, worship team
Worship style: Contemporary
Transportation: Yes, call 419-358-1382
Bluffton Baptist
345 County Line Rd.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 65
Pastor: Steve Pilarsh
Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sundays
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sundays
Other meeting times: 6 p.m. Sunday for discipleship training; 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, prayer meeting
Worship style: Blended and informal
Lima Baptist Temple
982 Brower Rd.
Lima, OH 45801
Average attendance: 400-500
Pastor: Ben Anderson
Youth Pastor: Interim
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 10 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Children’s Ministry, AWANA, VBS-Vacation Bible School, Praise Team, Student Ministry,
and more
Worship Style: Blended
Philippian Missionary Baptist
190 E. 8th St.
Lima, OH 45804
Pastor: LaMont Monford, Sr.
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday
Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Tuesday Empowering; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday Empowering
Worship style: Blended and traditional
125 S. McDonel St.
Lima, OH 45807
Pastor: A.L. Butler
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday
Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 11:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study
420 W. Spring St.
Lima, OH 45801
Pastor: Dr. Dennis M. Ward
Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday 3:30 p.m. Sunday
Worship style: Blended and traditional
800 E. Franklin St.
Lima, OH 45804
Pastor: Levi Collins
Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday
Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday
St. Mary's Catholic
160 N. Spring St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 500
Pastoral leader: Father John McLoughlin
Worship: 4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. Sunday
Other times: 7 p.m. other holy days
Christian education: Grades K-6, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday; Junior high and high school youth, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
first and third Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Eucharistic minister, lector, organist, choir, youth ministry, catechist or assist
with religious education program
RCIA classes: Thursday, 7 p.m.
Worship style: Liturgical
Host families: Yes
Transportation: Within walking distance
Church of the Brethren
Elm Street Church of the Brethren
619 E. Elm St.
Lima, OH 45804
Average attendance: 44
Interim Pastor: Doug Price
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 7 p.m. Thursday, adult Bible study and youth group
Ministry to students: Full participation in church life
Opportunities to serve: Music, teaching, youth group leadership
Worship style: Blended
Church of Christ
Bethel Church of Christ
4014 County Rd. 330
Ada, OH 45810
Average attendance: 250
Senior pastor: Randy Allen
Worship: 8:30 a.m. Traditional (Hymns) and 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Sunday
Christian education: 9:45 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: Sunday school, fellowship activities
Opportunities to serve: Teach and assist youth activities and youth group
Worship style: Informal
Transportation: Call church office at 419-326-8552
Church of God
CrossRoads Church
775 S. Thayer Rd.
Lima, OH 45806
Average attendance: 400
Pastor: Brian Robertson
Worship leader: Jason Hinkle
Pastor of family and student ministries: Jake Kline
Worship: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Sunday school: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Life group: 7 p.m. Wednesday
Opportunities to serve: Various opportunities in most areas of ministry
Worship style: Contemporary
Church of the Nazarene
Lima Community Church
2945 N. Cole St.
Lima, OH 45801
Average attendance: 1700
Lead pastor: Doug Boquist
Worship arts pastor: Jonathan Burkey
Worship times: 6 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: ALPHA, Celebrate Recovery, D-Groups, young adult ministry
Opportunities to serve: All kinds! Call for what is available
Worship style: Contemporary
English Evangelical Lutheran
111 Grove St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 50-60
Pastor: Inbetween
Synodically Authorized Minister: Robert (Rob) Glenn
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 10:15 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: College-aged, young adult Sunday school class
Opportunities to serve: Teach Sunday school, youth group, Bluffton Community Assistance Program
Worship style: Blended contemporary and traditional
Transportation: Within walking distance
Ebenezer Mennonite
8905 Columbus Grove Rd.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 400-500
Senior pastor: Jim King
Associate pastor: Richard Potter
Youth pastor: David Glick
Children and family ministries: Kerry Wright
Worship: 10:15 a.m. Sundays
Christian education: 9 a.m. Sundays
Family night: 7 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible studies
Ministry to students: College and career Sunday school class, various small groups
Opportunities to serve: Sunday school teachers, youth or children's club leaders, children's club leaders;
choirs; special music, small groups
Worship style: Contemporary with an emphasis to be participatory
Transportation: Call for arrangements
First Mennonite
101 S. Jackson St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 275
Pastor of formation: Wanda Stopher
Pastor of connections: Theda Good
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:15 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 6 p.m. Wednesday, adult bell choir; 7 p.m. Wednesday, chancel choir
Ministry to students: Potlucks, staff available for pastoral care, Sunday school options
Opportunities to serve: Worship leader, children’s story time, scripture reading, pianist/organist, chancel
choir, bell choir, Sunday school teacher, youth group, nursery
Worship Style: Traditional
Host families: Yes
Transportation: Yes, also within walking distance
Grace Mennonite
P.O. Box 387
502 E. Main St.
Pandora, OH 45877
Average attendance: 120
Pastors: Matthew Yoder
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: Potlucks, staff available for pastoral care
Opportunities to serve: Gleaning, youth and children's ministries, adult choir, worship leading, Scripture
reading, Sunday school
Worship style: Blend of traditional/contemporary, creative use of drama
Host families: Yes
Transportation: Yes
Lima Mennonite
1318 N. Main St.
Lima, OH 45801
Average attendance: 60
Pastor: Emily Hedrick
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Spanish service: 4 p.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Neighborhood outreach, teaching, worship participation (planning, singing, leading),
piano playing and much more
Worship style: Informal
Transportation: Yes! Call for arrangements
Salem Mennonite
4275 W. State Rd.
Elida, OH 45807
Average attendance: 40
Pastor: Paula Snyder Belousek
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities for participation: Music ministry, children's Sunday school, monthly community meal, small groups, monthly
men's breakfast
Worship style: Traditional/blended
Transportation: Call Pastor Paula
Pandora Missionary
300 Rocket Ridge
P.O. Box 173
Pandora, OH 45877
Pastor Matt Steiner 419-204-3834
Average attendance: 130-200
Pastor: Matt Steiner
Office Administrator: Tara Cherry
Children's Ministry: Emily Ray
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: Launch K-6th Grade 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Brad Ray-Youth Pastor- SLAM every 2nd Sunday
of the month as well as other youth events thru the month.
Opportunities to serve: Worship, children/youth ministry, hospitality, Welcome Team and many others.
Worship style: Informal, contemporary
Community Bible Church
Meeting at The Centre of Bluffton, 601 N. Main St
Bluffton, OH 45817
Pastor: Marvin Gassman
Worship time: Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m.
Bible Classes: Sunday 11 a.m.
Sunday Night: 6 p.m.
Wednesday night prayer meeting: 7 p.m. (held in a different location. Please email for address
Worship Stlye: Traditional
County Line Church
4227 N. Hardin Rd.
Harrod, OH 45850
Average attendance: 200
Pastor: Chris Ewing
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 7 p.m. Sunday- men's, women's, youth, and under 30 Bible Studies
Ministry to students: Various Sunday school classes and Sunday evening small group
Opportunities to serve: Music, teaching, sound and tech, greeting, working with young people
Worship style: Bible based teaching and preaching; charismatic
Transportation: Check with Bluffton families, contact the pastor at the church or email,
2000 N. Cole St.
Lima, OH 45801
Pastor: Pastors Jim & Janet Wend
Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday
Worship style: Insformal, Spirit-filled, Spirit-directed, Contemporary
Other Meeting Times: Monthly Worship & Prayer Night 1st Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Monthly Young Adult Service 3rd Fridays at 7 p.m.
Young Adult Life Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Opportunities to Serve: Worship, Prayer, Kids, Youth, Multi-Media, Welcome Ministries, Community Outreach
and more
Kalida Family Outreach Center
404 W. Northland Dr.
Kalida, OH 45853 (just north of Kalida off highway 115)
Average attendance: 120
Pastor: Jim Swihart
Christian education: Dawn Swihart
Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Office Hours: By appointment
Opportunities to serve: Various opportunities in most areas of ministry
Worship style: Contemporary (we do operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit - prophecy, tongues, etc.)
St. John Bible Church
15988 Road 4
Pandora, OH 45877
Average attendance: 250-300
Lead Pastor: Paul Perkins
Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Worship: Jason Yost
Director of Youth Ministry: Paul Ginther
Director of Children & Family Ministries: Rachel Antrim
Ministry Leaders: Mark & Julie Yoder, Dan & Gwen Sprague
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Sunday AM Education: 9:15 a.m.
Ministry to students: WhatNow? (College & Career)
Opportunities to serve: Worship Team, Tech Team, Children's & Youth Ministries, Food Bank Distributions,
and more
Worship style: Christ-centered, relevant, and musically diverse
Host families: Yes
Transportation: Call for arrangements
Bluffton Presbyterian
112 N. Main St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 60
Pastor: Rev. Matthew Zuehlke
Worship: 10:15 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Ignite (intergenerational service and fellowship), choir, special music, liturgist,
youth group, praise team, audio-visual technician, usher
Other meeting times: Choir rehearsal 6:30 Wednesday; youth groups, adult small groups (contact for more
Ministry to students: Church leaders available for pastoral care; open to student involvement in all areas
of church life
Worship style: Presbyterian (Reformed) order of worship that incorporates a blend of musical styles;
communion celebrated the first Sunday each month
Transportation: Within walking distance
Market Street Presbyterian Church
1100 W. Market St.
Lima, OH 45805
Fax: 419-229-2617
Average attendance: 65
Pastor: In transition
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Music ministry, children and youth, missions
Worship style: Traditional
Dress: Casual
United Church of Christ
Emmanual United Church of Christ
8375 Phillips Rd.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 40-60
Pastor: Jeremy Mann
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Teaching Faith Formation
Worship style: Casual
Transportation: Contact church ahead of time
St. John's United Church of Christ
223 W. College Ave.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 36
Pastor: Reverend Jeremy Mann
Worship: Worship hours fluctuate due to sharing Pastor Jeremy with Emmanuel UCC. May-August
10:30 a.m., September -December 9 a.m., January – April 10:30 a.m.
Christian education: adult class meets prior or following the worship service, depending on above schedule
Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon Monday-Friday
Opportunities to serve: Special music, visitations, prayer ministry, food pantry
Office hours: Tues. and Thurs., 9 a.m. to noon; office hours vary on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Please contact the church office prior to arrival to make certain someone is in the
Worship style: Blended
Transportation: Within walking distance, call for arrangements if needed
United Methodist
Bluffton First Methodist
116 Church St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 75
Pastor: Robert Clinger
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: 7 p.m. Monday, choir rehearsal; 9:15 a.m. Sunday, Lamp Lighters Discipleship Group
Opportunities to serve: Praise team and a variety of outreach projects
Worship style: Casual with a blend of traditional and contemporary music
Transportation: Within walking distance
Journey at Christ Church
225 W. Bigelow Ave.
Findlay, OH 45840
Average attendance: 100
Pastor: Jen Miller
Worship: 9 a.m. traditional and 11 a.m. postmodern Sunday
Christian education: 10:15 a.m. Sunday
Other meeting times: Periodic classes, spiritual disciplines retreat, service opportunities
Ministry to students: Congregational life is geared toward young adults
Opportunities to serve: Worship team and hospitality ministries
Worship style: Relaxed, informal, come as you are , full band, multi-media
Transportation: Carpool with other students (contact campus pastor)
Mt. Cory United Methodist
(sister church to Pleasant View)
300 N. Main St.
Mt. Cory, OH 45868
Average attendance: 35
Pastor: Jerry Lewis
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9:30 a.m. Sunday.
Worship style: Blended
St. Mark's United Methodist Church
800 S Main St.
Findlay, OH 45840
Average attendance: 250
Pastor: Dan Metzger
Worship: 9 a.m Traditional, 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Praise band, choir, mission projects
Worship style: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary, Contemporary worship in the DOCK (same address)
Transportation: Can be arranged
Pandora United Methodist
108 Washington St.
P.O. Box 151
Pandora, OH 45877
Average attendance: 100
Pastor: Rev. Duane Kemerely
Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 8:30 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: Young Adult opportunities in worship and missions
Opportunities to serve: Special music, choir, youth and children's ministry, hands-on mission projects
Worship style: Blended traditional, variety of music
Transportation: Call if needed
Pleasant View United Methodist
300 CR 37
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 35
Pastor: Jerry Lewis
Worship: 9:00 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Opportunities to serve: Special music
Worship style: Blended
Transportation: Call if needed
Rockport United Methodist
5505 Rockport Road
Columbus Grove, OH 45830
Average attendance: 40
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Ministry to students: 9 p.m. Sunday, Connections College group (announced in bulletin)
Opportunities to serve: Special music, teaching, missions, serving at Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
Worship style: Blended
Transportation: Call or text 419-233-5255 (Krysti)
Trinity United Methodist
2022 SR 103
Bluffton, OH 45817
Average attendance: 90
Pastor: Wade Melton
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Christian education: 9 a.m. Sunday
Bible study: 7 p.m. Wednesday
Ministry to students: College group
Opportunities to serve: Christian education, music, children's ministries, worship team
Worship style: Mostly contemporary
Transportation: Available by emailing or calling/texting 567-674-5711
St. Stephen's Orthodox Church
3560 Shawnee Rd., Lima, OH 45806
Pastoral leader: Father Joshua Coolman, Parish Priest
Worship: Great Vespers: Saturdays at 6:00 p.m., Resurrection Matines: Sundays at 8:10 a.m.,
Divine Liturgy: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Worship style: Liturgical
Transportation: Call for arrangments
Ministry to Students: Classes held as needed for inquirers and catechumens