Intramural Rules

General rules

  • To enter an intramural sport fill out the roster by including a list of players and alternates as well as designating a team captain and return it to the IM coordinator by the publicized date. If a team captain is not provided then one will be appointed by the IM coordinator. Participants must be full-time Bluffton University undergraduate students.
  • All players must sign a team contract. The contract needs to be turned into the IM coordinator NO later than 5 p.m. on the first night of the season. NO additional players may be added to the roster after this point.
  • Everyone must obey the Bluffton University Community of Respect. Anyone violating this will be asked to leave for the remainder of the game.
  • No one participating on a Bluffton University sports team will be allowed to participate in intramurals during his/her official sports season.
  • If a game is canceled due to inclement weather it will be rescheduled for the end of the season if time permits.
  • Schedules are tentative and may need to be changed as a result of Bluffton University sports program.
  • Each participant should make sure that he/she has medical insurance coverage either through family policies or the student insurance plan. Bluffton intramurals is not responsible for accident/injury claims.

Game rules

  • Game time means start time! Each team has a 10-minute grace period in which to assemble their team. If they do not have the minimum amount of players at the end of the 10-minute period then they will forfeit the game (NO make up games).
  • A player must participate in at least 1/3 of the season to be eligible to participate in the post-season tournament.
  • Officials and the IM coordinator have the right to eject a player, a team captain, and/or an entire team for unsportsmanlike conduct. The player will be expected to leave the field of play and will not be permitted to play in the remainder of that game and the next scheduled game. If a player is ejected from one game in regular season or post-season play, he/she may be suspended for the remainder of the season. He/she may appeal both in writing and in person to the IM coordinator to be re-instated. Re-admittance is up to the discretion of the IM coordinators.
    • Unsportsmanlike conduct includes:
      • use of alcohol
      • use of tobacco
      • use of excessive profanity
      • derogatory or threatening remarks toward the official, IM coordinator, or an opponent
      • misuse of the equipment
      • endangering the well-being of another player
    • *If a player is endangering the wellbeing of another player he/she will be dismissed from the program. This is up to the discretion of the IM coordinator in charge.
  • Participants may play on only one team and must be enrolled as a full-time Bluffton undergrad student.

Team captains rules

  • Team captains are required to attend the pre and post-season captain's meeting. Rules and scheduling will be covered in these meetings. If the team captain is unable to attend, it is his/her responsibility to find a replacement and notify the IM coordinator of the change prior to the meeting.
  • It is the responsibility of the team captain to go over the rules with his/her team members and hand out agreement to participate forms and have each team member sign. The forms must be filled out and returned to the IM coordinator NO later than 5 p.m. on the first night of the season. NO additional players can be added to the team roster after this point NO exceptions!
  • It is the team captain's responsibility to distribute schedules to their teams and to have their teams at each scheduled match ready to play on time.
  • Winning team captains need to meet with the IM coordinator immediately after the game to sign the official game scorecard. If you do not sign the scorecard after the game, the game will be counted as a loss.
  • Team captains are responsible for the intramural equipment during their scheduled competition. Equipment will be checked at the beginning and end of each competition by one of the intramural coordinators. Should equipment come up missing, the two teams that played in the competition will be held accountable for the equipment. All intramural games for the sport in question will be put on hold until the equipment is returned. The missing equipment, replacement equipment or money can be turned in to the intramural advisor.

Officials rules

  • Officials will be given a schedule ahead of time of which games they are expected to officiate. If for some reason they are unable to officiate their scheduled games they MUST notify the IM coordinator 24 hours in advance (except for in the case of emergencies.) Officials are expected to be at the game field at least 5 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin.
  • Officials reserve the right to eject a player, a captain, and/or team for unsportsmanlike conduct (see game rules for a list of unsportsmanlike conduct).