Bluffton Bread Company student interns

Bluffton Bread Company spring 2021 student interns: (top row) Haley Gill and Justin Dorsey. (bottom row) Jeremy Locklear, Kylee Tiziani and Liz Deal.
interns gain Small business experience
From developing and standardizing recipes to streamlining the online shopping cart, Bluffton University students are gaining hand-on learning experiences this spring with the Bluffton Bread Company. Five students are serving as interns for the student-run business.
Kylee Tizian ’21, a nutrition and dietetics major from Marysville, Ohio, is in her second year with the company. Tiziani is involved with recipe development, production and scheduling.
“I have learned so much from this experience. I now have experience in brand development, purchasing and procurement, and team management, just to name a few. I’ve learned the basics of running a small business as well as the importance of collaboration.
Next year, Tiziani will serve as a graduate assistant with the Bluffton Bread Company while earning her MBA at Bluffton.
Liz Deal ’22, a nutrition and dietetics major from Troy, Ohio, became a student intern with the Bluffton Bread Company in the fall. She helps with recipe development and production.
“Being involved with the Bluffton Bread Company is a very unique experience that I am extremely grateful to be part of. I am learning a lot about food service. Production takes a lot of timing and understanding. It’s helpful to have these experiences to think through production and find ways to make everything run smoothly.
Deal will be taking Food Service Management during the fall 2021 semester and is excited to transfer the knowledge gained through the Bluffton Bread Company to that class.
Haley Gill ’23, a nutrition and dietetics major from Indianapolis, Ind., also started in the fall. She helps with baking as well as recipe and resource development.
“Through the Bluffton Bread Company I am learning different food service skills including developing standardized recipes, making production schedules, and helping organize shipping and distribution. This opportunity is really unique because it allows students lead the direction and development of the company.”
Gill is excited to continue her involvement with the Bluffton Bread Company next year and plans to use the skills in her future as registered dietitian.
Jeremy Locklear ’22, a food and nutrition major from Lincoln Park, Mich., started in the fall and can often be found selling product at Roots by Strattons in downtown Bluffton.
“The Bluffton Bread Company is growing at a quick rate, and when people see me around campus they ask me about the next time we are selling or what new flavors we plan on coming up with. I am using my creativity, communication and problem solving.”
Locklear’s food and nutrition concentration is business and his future goal is to run his own small business.
Justin Dorsey ’22, an accounting major from Hilliard, Ohio, took over the books for the company this spring.
“I have always wanted to own my own business, so I know I will use these skills in the future. Being part of a small business is an invaluable experience because I get to see some of the challenges a small business faces, but I also to be a part of figuring out the solutions.”
Dorsey gained a great deal of experience using Intuit QuickBooks (a popular bookkeeping software) with Bluffton Bread Company. He has also been key in setting up the new online ordering system.

More about the Bluffton Bread Company
The Bluffton Bread Company will be baking contineously when school is in session!