
English and writing

The English major strives to develop competence and creativity in the use of the English language and an understanding and appreciation of the humanizing values inherent in literature.
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The department offers majors in English, writing, art and writing, and teaching English as a second language (TESOL) and minors in English, writing and TESOL. Students who wish to teach should pursue the adolescent/young adult licensure in integrated language arts.  

English major 

(44 hours)
Literature: (21 hours)
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 240 Survey of American Literature (3)
ENG 256 Survey of English Literature 1 (3)
ENG 257 Survey of English Literature 2 (3)
Additional literature courses (200 level or higher)  (9 hours)

Senior research: (5 hours)
ENG 401 Critical Theory (3)
ENG 402 Research Seminar (2)

Writing: (6 hours)

Language: (3 hours)
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
  or ENG 271 English Grammar (3)

Electives: (9 hours)
Information about courses, independent studies and comprehensive examinations is available from the chair of the English and language department.

Writing major 

(39 hours)
The writing major offers various introductory and advanced writing courses. The major is designed to be flexible enough that students can tailor their coursework to their own interests. Additionally, since we believe that one of the best ways to become a great writer is to read great writing, students also take a number of literature courses.

Writing: (17 hours)
ENG 430 Senior Writing Seminar (2)

6-12 hours from the following:
ENG 202 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency
ENG 203 Creative Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 205 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3)
ENG 207 Professional and Technical Writing (3)
ENG 250 Intermediate Creative Writing (3)
MED 225 Writing for the Media (3)

3-9 hours from the following:
ENG 302 Advanced Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 303 Advanced Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 305 Advanced Writing: Nonfiction (3)

Literature: (18 hours)
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 240 Survey of American Literature (3)
ENG 256 Survey of English Literature 1 (3)
   or  ENG 257 Survey of English Literature 2 (3)
9 additional hours of literature courses (200 level or higher)

Language: (3 hours)
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
   or  ENG 271 English Grammar (3)

Activity credits: (1 hour)
ENG 111 Shalith Activity (.5)
ENG 113 Bridge: The Bluffton Journal Staff (1)
ENG 425 Internship (1-3)

Art & Writing major

(63 hours)
The Art & Writing major offers students with interest in both visual and written arts an opportunity to pursue a combined major. Flexibility in course selection allows students to emphasize their particular artistic interests. A senior-level seminar invites students to consider how visual art and creative writing can together feed artistic creativity.

Art: (33 hours)
ART 202 Design 1 (3)
ART 204 Drawing (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency
   or ART 205 Figure Drawing (3)
ART 207 Design 2 (3)
   or ART 223 Sculpture 1 (3)
   or ART 233 Sculpture 2 (3)
ART 213 Oil Painting (3)
   or ART 214 Watercolor (3)
ART 217 Ceramics 1 (3)
ART 240 Film Photography (3)
   or ART 242 Digital Photography (3)
ART 245 Intro to Graphic Design (3)
ART 390 or ENG 390 Independent Study in Art/Writing  (1)  
ART 400 Art Now Seminar (1)
ART 405 Portfolio Organization and Review (.5)
(may be art, writing or combination)
ART 410 Senior Exhibition (.5)
(and/or illustrated book and reading)

Choose 2 of the following:
ART 327 Art History 1 (3) satisfies Exploring the Past competency
ART 328 Art History 2 (3)
ART 329 Art History 3 (3)                                           

Choose one of the following:                                                                     
ART 225 Printmaking 1 (relief) (3)      
ART 227 Printmaking 3 (silkscreen) (3)
ART 229 Printmaking (alternative digital print) (3)

Writing: (14 hours) 
6-9 hours from the following:
ENG 202 Creative Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 203 Creative Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 205 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3)
ENG 207 Professional and Technical Writing (3)
MED 225 Writing for the Media (3)

3-9 hours from the following:
ENG 302 Advanced Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 303 Advanced Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 305 Advanced Writing: Nonfiction (3) 

Required writing course:
ENG 430 Writing Seminar  (2) 

Literature: (15 hours)
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 240 Survey of American Literature (3)
ENG 256 Survey of English Literature 1 (3)
   or ENG 257 Survey of English Literature 2 (3)

6 additional hours of 200+ level literature/theory courses  

Activity credits:                    
(1 hour)
ENG 111 Shalith Activity (.5)
ENG 113 Bridge: The Bluffton Journal Staff (1)
ENG 425 Internship (1-3)

TESOL major 

(43 hours)
Required:  (37 hours)                 
ENG 210 TESOL: Theories and Issues (3)
ENG 220 TESOL: Instructional Methods & Assessment (3)
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 271 English Grammar (3)
ENG 312 Language Variation (3)
ENG 385 TESOL practicum (3)
BENV 300 Cross-cultural experience (international preferred) (3)
EDU 283 Teaching Reading through Literature in Elementary Education (3)
EDU 286 Phonics and Word Identification  (4)
EDU 317 Adolescent and Young Adult Literature (3)
Two semesters of a foreign language (6)

Choose any two of the following courses:
SOC 225 Race & Ethnicity in American Society (3)
SOC 162 Anthropology (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
ENG 243 Studies in American Literature* (3)
ENG 261 Studies in English Literature* (3)
ENG 265 Studies in Modern Literature* (3)
ENG 282 Studies in the Novel* (3)
CHS 133 Introduction to Central America** (3)
CHS 333 Violence, Justice & Peace in Central America** (3)
CHS 334 Religious Expression in Guatemala** (3)

* These are “umbrella” courses that change content and can be taken for the major if they cover literature exploring cultures and subcultures such as African American, Hispanic, post-colonial, etc.

** Courses available through semester-long program in Guatemala.



English minor 

(18 hours)
The English minor enables a student to explore an interest in literature and topics related to English while majoring in another academic discipline. The minor is made up of the following courses:

ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3)
One survey of literature course: ENG 240, ENG 256 or ENG 257 (3)
One writing course beyond ENG 120 (3)
English electives (9)

Writing minor 

(18 hours)
The writing minor enables a student to explore an interest in writing while majoring in another academic discipline. The minor is made up of the following courses:

12 hours chosen from the following, with at least 3 hours at the 300+ level.
ENG 202 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) 
ENG 203 Creative Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 205 Creative Writing:  Nonfiction (3)
ENG 207 Professional and Technical Writing (3)
ENG 250 Intermediate Creative Writing (3)
ENG 302 Advanced Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 303 Advanced Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 305 Advanced Writing: Nonfiction (3)

6 hours of English electives, including at least one course in literature at the 200+ level.

ENG 430 Senior Writing Seminar (2) is a recommended additional elective for students who are able to complete 20 hours in the minor.

TESOL minor 

(20 hours)
The TESOL minor prepares students to teach English to speakers of other languages in this country or abroad and for graduate work in TESOL. (This minor is also available as an endorsement to be added to a teaching license.)

Required: (17 hours)
ENG 210 TESOL: Theories and Issues (3)
ENG 220 TESOL: Instructional Methods and Assessment (3)
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
ENG 271 English Grammar (3)
ENG 312 Language Variation (3)
ENG 385 TESOL Practicum (2)

Electives: (3 hours)
SOC 225 Race & Ethnicity in American Society: History and Current Realities (3)
SOC 162 Anthropology (3)
one three-semester hour language course

Adolescent/young adult licensure in integrated language arts

(60-64 hours)
Students who wish to obtain an Ohio teaching license for adolescent/young adult (7-12) in integrated language arts must complete the following courses, in addition to general education and major requirements, including BENV 400 Enduring Values Capstone.:

CMP 110 or 120 College English* (3) satisfies Writing Well competency
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology* (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
EDU 317 Studies in Literature for Adolescents (3)
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 240 Survey of American Literature (3)
ENG 243 Studies in American Literature (3)
ENG 256 Survey of English Literature 1 (3)
ENG 257 Survey of English Literature 2 (3)
ENG 271 English Grammar (3)
ENG 367 Shakespeare (3)
ENG 401 Critical Theory (3)
ENG 402 Research Seminar (2)

Choose one:  
COM 120 Communication for the Common Good (3) satisfies Speaking and Listening competency
THE 257 Performance Studies (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency

Choose one: Writing Practicum or courses to total at least 1 hour:
ENG 111 Shalith Activity (0.5)
ENG 113 Bridge: The Bluffton Journal Staff (1)
ENG 425 Internship (1-5)

Choose two:
ENG 202 Creative Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 203 Creative Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 205 Creative Writing:  Nonfiction (3)
ENG 302 Advanced Writing: Fiction (3)
ENG 303 Advanced Writing: Poetry (3)
ENG 305 Advanced Writing: Nonfiction (3)
COM 225 Writing for the Media (3)

Choose one:
ENG 210 TESOL: Theories and Issues (3)
ENG 220 TESOL: Instructional Methods and Assessment (3)

Choose one Literature of Cultures or one Historical/Theoretical course:
ENG 243 Studies in American Literature (3)
ENG 261 Studies in English Literature (3)
ENG 265 Studies in Modern Literature (3)
ENG 282 Studies in the Novel (3)
ENG 331 English Colloquium (3)

Choose one elective:
ENG 261 Studies in English Literature (3)
ENG 265 Studies in Modern Literature (3)
ENG 282 Studies in the Novel (3)
ENG 321 Studies in Poetry (3)
ENG 331 English Colloquium (3)

Required professional education courses:
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers and Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology & Instructional Practices (3)
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
EDU 401 Integrated Language Arts Methods (2)

All of the previously listed professional education courses, plus the completion of all licensure area course work, are prerequisites for student teaching:
EDU 416 Pre-Student Teaching (1)
EDU 451 Student Teaching: Adolescent/Young Adult (13)

July 2024
