Orientation session

Tips for a successful orientation

More than just another campus tour, at orientation you will make new friends, register for classes, have fun and learn about your campus community.

Summer orientation

We know you have questions. We have answers.

Orientation with Chuck Daws

There are several options for orientation and registration for students beginning fall semester. Each event includes an introduction to Bluffton’s learning community and a chance to meet with your academic advisor, business office and financial aid professionals. Smile for your student ID.  Be ready to begin on the first day of class.

orientation dates for Fall 2024

  • Friday, June 21 - full
  • Monday, June 24

Students who have paid their $100 advance deposit are eligible to register for orientation.


Register for orientation 

If you have been accepted as a new student at Bluffton and want to register for orientation. We encourage you to send in your deposit today. It can be sent to:

Bluffton University
Office of Admissions
1 University Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817-2104

You can also use a credit card to pay your deposit.
