2024-25 Civic Engagement Theme

Faith and Memory in Challenging Times

In times of social, political, economic and institutional disruption, as well as personal uncertainty, communities and individuals have turned to faith and to memories of faithfulness as sources of hope and guidance.

The relationship between faith and memory is illustrated in Hebrews chapter 11 as “the assurance of things hoped for.” The writer then recalls faith stories of biblical characters from Abraham and Sarah to Rahab and Gideon. Faith has a history, in other words, with stories by which we remember how to act faithfully—with the assurance of hope rather than the certainty of outcome. 

During the 2024-25 academic year, civic engagement activities at Bluffton will focus on the relationship between faith and memory during challenging times.

Two significant milestones in Bluffton’s history will be celebrated in 2024-25: the founding of Bluffton University 125 years ago, and of the Anabaptist faith from the beginnings of the Mennonite church 500 years ago.

As we remember the stories of Bluffton and of its Christian heritage, we will consider how these memories of faithfulness may help us face the challenges of our time with resilience and hope.
