Bluffton stories


Samantha Shrider '12

Samantha Shrider recounted that her favorite stories began with "I don't think I should say this but..."

In celebration of Bluffton’s 125 years

Samantha Shrider ’12, director of institutional research and grants, presented “The Not-So-Secret History of Bluffton University” during Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Shrider explored the unexpected stories which emerged from an oral history project with faculty, staff and alumni to celebrate Bluffton University’s 125-year anniversary.  

Shrider’s goal for starting this oral history project was to honor and build on Bluffton’s past. Shrider interviewed around 80 faculty, staff and alumni ranging from recent 2023 graduates to a 1948 graduate. 

At Forum, Shrider shared a few of the stories which emerged from the oral history project that make Bluffton’s history “not-so-secret.” 

“I don’t think I should say this but…These moments are really where we get into our “not so secret history,” said Shrider. 

The stories Shrider shared ranged from a coach’s car being placed in the Musselman Library Reading Room, to campus traditions for first-year students, to connections with faculty and staff. 

Although many things have changed at Bluffton over time, many aspects have remained true over the last 125 years. Students experience different, but connected challenges, triumphs and joys. 

Shrider shared a quote from a 1966 alumni Elizabeth Raid. “We look back on our lives; we see how various events and things that may feel like broken pieces are somehow knit together and woven into a tapestry. […] Bluffton was quite conducive to exploring and to growing in faith and I'm grateful for that time.”

The hope Shrider has for sharing about this project is so that students and alumni realize that their stories matter. She hopes to inspire people to share their stories about how Bluffton has shaped their experiences and reveal moments which shaped them forever. 

“Many alumni say their time at Bluffton has been very influential in their adult life and only time will reveal the moments that shaped you,” said Shrider. “So, take the Bluffton experience for all it's worth, do everything. Go on that trip that makes you nervous, take that class that sounds intimidating, because that's how you’re going to find those life influencing moments.”

Shrider’s collection of Bluffton’s history is continuously on going and she hopes other will encourage to share their stories to provide future generations of beavers with more “not-so-secret history of Bluffton University.” 

“For 125 years Bluffton has been home to millions of these moments, and I hope that yours will be added to the not-so-secret history of Bluffton University,” said Shrider. 

The oral history project is funded by the Council of Independent Colleges NetVue program.  More oral history reports can be found on Bluffton’s library digital archive site as well as a few featured in “Bluffton” magazine this fall.

Shrider’s Forum kicked off Homecoming week and the celebration of 125 years of Bluffton University. Homecoming events continue Friday, Oct. 4, and Saturday, Oct.5. More Bluffton history will be shared by Dr. Perry Bush at 4 p.m. Oct. 4 in Stutzman Lecture Hall and at 11 a.m. Oct. 5 in Musselman Library. 
