Resume Writing
Some words about words
Your resume should convey the skills you can offer an employer. The words you use to describe your experience, activities, etc., can convey the skills you have developed. These words are crucial to your purpose of obtaining a job interview. Use concrete nouns, positive modifiers and strong action verbs. Use concise phrasing rather than complete sentences. Qualify as much as possible.
Accomplish Act Adapt Adjust Administer Advertise Advise Affect Anticipate Approach Approve Assemble Assess Assist Budget Build Calculate Catalog Chair Clarify Collaborate Conceive Conceptualize Conduct Construct Consult Coordinate Counsel Create Define |
Delegate Demonstrate Design Determine Develop Direct Distribute Edit Educate Establish Evaluate Expand Expedite Facilitate Formulate Generate Govern Guide Hire Identify Implement Improve Increase Influence Initiate Institute Instruct Integrate Interpret Investigate |
Invent Launch Lecture Maintain Manage Market Master Mediate Merchandise Moderate Modify Monitor Motivate Obtain Operate Organize Participate Perform Persuade Plan Present Preside Process Produce Promote Provide Propose Publicize Recommend Record |
Recruit Reduce Renew Report Represent Research Resolve Review Revise Scan Schedule Screen Select Serve Simplify Speak Staff Standardize Stimulate Summarize Supervise Survey Synthesize Teach Train Transmit Utilize Write |
Actively |
Enthusiastic |
Potential |