BLM sidewalk

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

Bluffton University’s Commitment

We see diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging as foundational to student development and success. No one program or office “owns” this work. Rather, they are at the core of our mission to prepare students of all backgrounds for life, vocation and service to all people.    

The ultimate purpose — to serve God’s universal kingdom. 

This overarching faith commitment is steeped in the historic Peace Church tradition, a Christian tradition that emphasizes community, respect and service.  

Our foundational commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging include: 

  • We welcome each person and celebrate the diversity in which we have been created as children of God. 
  • We seek to continually improve our ability to serve the student body by deepening our knowledge of and appreciation for their cultures, gifts and needs.  
  • We strive to be a Community of Respect where each member of the community is held in mutual high regard and experiences a deep sense of belonging.  
  • We aspire to guide students in becoming more sensitive toward humankind and in growing their understanding of other races, religions and peoples.  
  • We aim to cultivate an appreciation of today’s world, its history and its needs. 

We hold these commitments in the hope that students will become responsible citizens and leaders who serve the common good. 
