Grab every opportunity

Jackson Clark is active on campus as a Student Senator, RA, soccer player and more.
Ready for the field and the boardroom
When Jackson Clark ’25 is encouraged to join a student organization or apply for an opportunity, the business administration and marketing double major from Mount Blanchard, Ohio, listens.
“If somebody suggests you do something at Bluffton, take their advice and do it. You never know what you might be missing out on otherwise. ‘Do you want to join Student Senate?’ Now I’m VP. ‘You should apply to be an RA.’ Now I’m in my second year. People on this campus do a really good job of including. Take up their offers.”
A center midfielder on the soccer team, he’s also a Lead President’s Ambassador and member of the Bluffton University Business Leaders student organization.
Over the summer, he completed a paid internship in the human resources and sales and purchasing offices of SumiRiko Ohio, an auto parts supplier and manufacturer in Bluffton.
“It’s a whole different world than the classroom,” said Clark. “The hands-on experience teaches you so much. You’re working on projects that need done to help out the company.”
He particularly enjoyed the human resources component of the internship and on his final day presented ideas for updating the company’s orientation for new hires.
On campus, he appreciates the mentorship of his academic advisor Brienne Sprunger, assistant professor of marketing.
“She taught Sales and Marketing last year, and this year I have Consumer Behavior with her,” said Clark. “She does a really good job of having a variety of presentations and just being engaging, and she always has her door open in case you want to talk.”
Clark chose Bluffton because of the location, the community feel and the ability to continue his soccer career.
“The thing about soccer is I just love competing,” said Clark.
On picture day, the reality sunk in that some of his upperclass teammates have graduated, but he’s ready to step up for the team.
“Having the experience from the last two years gives me more confidence to be a leader. I’m very excited for this season,” said Clark. “We have a really good team with this freshman class and with how many of us are still with it.”
For members of the first-year class who want to have a successful college career like Clark’s, he has some words of advice.
“Use your resources: the LRC [Learning Resource Center], the Tech Center, the professors, said Clark. “Take advantage of what Bluffton has to offer.”