Reducing the stigma

Kaylie Campbell is applying to graduate schools with the hopes of becoming a school psychologist or mental health therapist.
intro class leads to a career passion
Kaylie Campbell ’23 came to Bluffton not sure what to major in. However, the Camden, Ohio, native eventually came to the realization that her passion was to help others receive help. Declaring a psychology major, she also has a coaching minor.
“I have always been interested in the human mind,” said Campbell. “When I originally came in undecided, I took Introduction to Psychology and became even more interested in it.”
Campbell gained experience during an internship at the Preble County Mental Health and Recovery Board located in Eaton, Ohio. Working in reception, she greeted all the clients that came to the board and helped transfer them to different agencies which suited their individual needs.
While getting the opportunity to work closely with clients in other areas of the agency, Campbell participated in monthly housing inspections alongside the county fire department; volunteered at Cherry Street Clubhouse, a pre-vocational day program, working with clients on skills such as grocery shopping; and assisted with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
“During the internship, sometimes people would call to make an appointment but were super nervous. Then, they wouldn’t show up for services,” said Campbell. “I want to promote that taking care of your mental health is a normal thing, just like going to the doctor.”
Campbell’s goal in psychology is to advocate for those who have struggled with mental health and let people know there are resources out there. She explained she wants to provide a safe space where people can come for information when they are unsure of the help they need.
“With COVID we’ve seen a huge uptick in depression, mental health and anxiety,” said Campbell, who completed all her classes in December and will participate in the May 2023 Commencement ceremony.
She is currently applying to graduate schools with the hopes of becoming a school psychologist or a mental health therapist; however, she could see herself working at a nonprofit as well.
“The stigma with mental health is out there, and I want to be part of the change,” said Campbell. “I want to work with anyone and everyone I can to increase the understanding that it is okay to get help and that it’s important to take care of yourself first.”
On campus, Campbell was a four-year member of the volleyball team, serving as captain for two years. She was also a part of the intramural staff for two years. Campbell credits being a student-athlete with improving her academics by providing a set schedule and routine.
“Volleyball taught me more than how to block or how to float serve,” said Campbell. “It taught me life lessons about leadership, family, mental toughness, and the value self-discipline and commitment.”