Bibles Through Time

Director of Musselman Library at Bluffton University, Carrie Phillips
A Hands-On Journey Through Early Anabaptist Bibles
Carrie Phillips, director of Musselman Library at Bluffton University, will present the Colloquium, "Pages of Persistence: Examining Early Anabaptist Bibles in the Mennonite Historical Collections," at 4 p.m. Friday, March 14, in the Musselman Library Reading Room.
The colloquium will invite attendees to take a closer look at the “Pages of Persistence” exhibit through a guided, hands-on, Bible petting zoo experience using Bibles from the exhibit and from library collections. The presentation will focus on the historical context of the Bibles on exhibit, their unique artifactual features, and stories of their provenance and discovery.
This event is free and open to the public.