
Health, fitness and sport science

beth, hfss,water



The health, fitness and sport science department is housed in Centennial Hall. In addition to courses designed for its majors, the department also offers a wide variety of skill courses, a strong intramural program in men’s, women’s and co-ed sports, and intercollegiate athletics to help students develop a better understanding and appreciation for movement and to foster a desire for life-long physical activity.
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There are five majors - exercise science, health/physical education, sport and recreation leadership, strength and conditioning and sport management; and four minors - coaching, wellness, exercise science and recreation management offered by the health, fitness and sport science department.

Exercise Science major

 (45 hours)
Course work is planned in consultation with a departmental advisor and focuses on the student’s area of interest.

HFS 110 Introduction to Exercise Science (3)
HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3)
HFS 201 Fitness Assessment Techniques (3)  
HFS 205 Leadership (3)
HFS 220 Personal & Community Health Concerns (3) satisfies Living Well Competency
HFS 230 Sport Psychology (3)
HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training (2)
  or HFS 266 Personal Wellness & Exercise (2) satisfies Living Well Competency 
HFS 301 Biomechanics of Physical Activity (3)

HFS 310 Kinesiology (3)
HFS 315 Therapeutic Recreation (3)

HFS 321 Applied Exercise Physiology (4)
HFS 385 Internship (3)
BIO 230 Anatomy & Physiology 1 (4) satisfies Critical Analysis competency

NTR 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)
NTR 236 Sport Nutrition (2)


Health and Physical Education

(44 hours)

EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers and Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology and Instructional Practices (3)
EDU 360 Health Methods (2)
EDU 365 Physical Education Methods (2)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3)
SED 228 Introduction to Education of Students with Mild and Moderate Needs (3)
ENG 115 Fundamental Reading and Writing Skills (3)
MAT 100 College Algebra (3)
BIO 230 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3)
HFS 120 Team and Individual Sports I (3)
HFS 130 Team and Individual Sports II (3)
HFS 160 Drug Education (2)
HFS 201 Fitness Assessment Techniques (3)
HFS 220 Personal and Community Health Concerns (3)
HFS 240 Coaching Methods (3)
HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training (2)
HFS 266 Personal Wellness (2)
HFS 301 Biomechanics of Physical Activity (3)
HFS 310 Kinesiology (3)
HFS 315 Therapeutic Recreation Service (3)
HFS 321 Applied Exercise Physiology (4)
NTR 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)

Required for Licensure:
EDU 416 Pre-student Teaching (1)
EDU 452 Student Teaching (13)


Sport Management major

(48 hours)
The expansion of public interest and participation in sport and physical fitness has created a need for qualified leadership in these areas. Graduates will be prepared for careers as athletic administrators, in YMCA/YWCA work, in sporting goods companies, as sports information personnel and in other related areas.

Practical experience in an area of interest is provided to the student so insight into his/her chosen career may occur prior to graduation. The sites for these experiences are selected in cooperation with the student's advisor.

Students majoring in sport management are required to take 36 hours in core courses and a minimum of 3 hours of internship. Nine hours of classes are taken from either a sport communication concentration or from a sport organization concentration.

Required: (39 hours)
HFS 112 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
HFS 170 Sport Communication (3) satisfies Speaking and Listening Competency
HFS 230 Sport Psychology (3)
HFS 235 Facility Management (3)
HFS 270 Sport Ethics (3)
HFS 350 Sport and Administration Mgt Practices 1* (3)
HFS 375 Sport and Administration Mgt Practices 2* (3)
HFS 385 Internship (3)
ACT 151 Principles of Accounting (3)
ECN 141 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
ECN 142 Principles of Microeconomics (3)

MGT 354 Principles of Management (3)
MKT 356 Principles of Marketing (3) 


(9 hours)
MED 225 Writing for the Media (3)
MED 240 Media and Culture (3)
MED 277 Public Relations (3)   
  or MED 242 Social Media (2)
  and MED 226 Media Production Practicum (1)


(9 hours)
HFS 240 Coaching Methods (3)
HFS 360 Coaching Issues (3)
MGT 359 Entrepreneurship (3)
MGT 364 Human Resource Management (3) 
MKT 360 Sales * (3)
MKT 362 Advertising * (3)

*course offered every other year

Sport & Recreation Leadership major 

(48 hours)
HFS 112 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3)
HFS 120 Team and Individual Sports 1 (3) satisfies Living Well competency
HFS 130 Team and Individual Sports 2 (3)
HFS 135 Games and Program Planning (3)
HFS 205 Leadership (3)
HFS 215 Outdoor Recreation (3)
HFS 225 Commercial Recreation (3)
HFS 230 Sport Psychology (3)
HFS 235 Facility Management (3)
HFS 240 Coaching Methods (3)
HFS 245 Administration of Camps (3)
   or HFS 350 Sport and Admin Mgt Practices 1 (3)
HFS 270 Sport Ethics (3)
HFS 305 Event Management (3)
HFS 315 Therapeutic Recreation (3)
HFS 385 Internship (3)
optional: HFS 155 Adventures in Outdoor Recreation (1-2)

  Strength & Conditioning major  

(50 semester hours)
HFS 110 Introduction to Exercise Science (3)
HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3) 
HFS 201 Fitness Assessment Techniques (3)
HFS 220 Personal & Community Health Concerns (3) satisfies Living Well competency
HFS 225 Commercial Recreation  (3)
HFS 230 Sport Psychology (3)

HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training (2)
HFS 266 Personal Wellness and Exercise (2)
HFS 301 Biomechanics of Physical Activity (3)
HFS 310 Kinesiology (3)
HFS 321 Applied Exercise Physiology  (4)
HFS 355 Strength & Conditioning 1 (3)
HFS 356 Strength & Conditioning 2 (3)
HFS 385 Internship (3)
BIO 230 Anatomy & Physiology 1 (4)
NTR 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)
NTR 236 Sports Nutrition (2)


Bluffton University offers minors in coachingexercise science, recreation management and wellness.

Coaching minor 

(19 hours)
Persons other than exercise science majors may be interested in a minor in coaching. The minor requires a coaching internship.

HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3)
HFS 120 Team and Individual Sports 1 (3)
   or HFS 130 Team and Individual Sports 2 (3) 
HFS 240 Coaching Methods (3)
HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training & Exercise (2)
   or HFS 266 Personal Wellness & Exercise (2)
HFS 270 Sport Ethics (3)
HFS 360 Issues in Coaching (3)
HFS 385 Internship (2)

Exercise Science minor

(22 hours)
HFS 110 Introduction to Exercise Science  (3)
HFS 201 Fitness Assessment Techniques (3)   
HFS 230 Sport Psychology (3)
HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training (2)
HFS 266 Personal Wellness and Exercise (2)
HFS 315 Therapeutic Recreation* (3)
HFS 321 Applied Exercise Physiology* (4) 
BIO 230 Anatomy & Physiology 1 (4) 

Recreation Management minor

(18 hours)
The recreation management minor enables students to develop recreation skills and interests through a variety of avenues and to better understand the importance of leisure in our society. The minor includes the following recreation courses:

HFS 112 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
HFS 135 Games and Program Planning (3)
HFS 145 Recreation Arts and Crafts (3)
HFS 205 Leadership (3)
HFS 215 Outdoor Recreation (3)
HFS 315 Therapeutic Recreation Service (3)
   or HFS 245 Administration of Camps (3)

Wellness minor

(20 hours)
Persons in areas other than the food and nutrition and exercise science majors (which have a wellness concentration for the major), may be interested in a minor in wellness.

HFS 117 Introduction to Sport Medicine (3)
HFS 220 Personal and Community Health Concerns (3)
HFS 255 Competitive Strength Training and Exercise (2)
     or HFS 266 Personal Wellness and Exercise (2)
BIO 230 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4)
COM 120 Communication for the Common Good (3)
     or COM 185 Public Speaking and Persuasion (3)

     or COM 195 Interpersonal Communication (3) 
NTR 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)
NTR 236 Sports Nutrition (2)

July 2024
