Environmental science

The environmental science major is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of the natural world and the impacts that we all have on it. A student majoring in environmental science will primarily take courses in biology, earth sciences, chemistry and physics. Electives and a required internship allow for unofficial specialization based on the student’s interests.

Graduates will find employment in the fields of conservation, natural resource management, wildlife biology and environmental monitoring at local, state and federal agencies, private companies and non-profit organizations.


(64-66 hours)
Required biology courses:
BIO 135 Botany (4) satisfies Scientific Inquiry competency
BIO 205 Invertebrate Zoology (4)
BIO 330 General Ecology (4)
BIO 385 Biology Internship (3)

Required natural sciences courses:
NSC 107 Global Climate Change (3)
NSC 210 Geology and Soils (4)
NSC 220 Hydrology (4)

Required chemistry courses:
CEM 121 General Inorganic Chemistry 1 (5)
CEM 122 General Inorganic Chemistry 2 (5)
CEM 221 Organic Chemistry (4)

Required physics courses:
PHY 211 Physics for Science and Engineering 1 (5)
PHY 212 Physics for Science and Engineering 2 (5)

Required mathematics courses:
MAT 135 Calculus 1 (5) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
BUS 284 General Statistics (3)

Required sociology courses:
SOC 430 Environmental Justice (3)

BIO/CEM elective:
3 to 5 hours with BIO or CEM prefix (excluding BIO 105 The Biological World or CEM 105 Experiential Chemistry). Students should work with their academic advisor to ensure they take the prerequisite courses for the particular biology or chemistry elective course they choose.

July 2024
