The Great Adventure
As students begin to get the full Bluffton Blueprint experience in fall semester 2021, we rejoice that Bluffton continues to transform student lives admist the “new” normal.
As you read this magazine, remember your own experiences with Bluffton, whether they were on or off campus.

All first-year students traveled to the Great Smoky Mountains as part of a fall-break experience is designed to help students build deeper relationships with their classmates and answer the question “Who am I?”
Read more about The Great Adventure >

On any given day in Bluffton’s Learning in Community class, students could be touring the Allen County Museum, studying data sets and trends in the classroom, or volunteering at a Lima-area non-profit agency.
Learn more about Learning in Community >

Construction is now underway on the Austin E. Knowlton Science Center. The two-story, nearly 20,000 square foot building will feature six labs, faculty offices and interactive collaborative spaces for students.
Read more about the Knowlton Science Center >

Thanks to Joanne Passet’s gift, Exercise Physiology students are doing hands-on research and analyzing data electronically.
More about Joanne Passet ’75 >

When John Hung ’60 reflects on his time at Bluffton, he remembers the people, the place and the preparation for his future.
More about John Hung ’60 >