Orientation session

Tips for a successful orientation

More than just another campus tour, at orientation you will make new friends, register for classes, have fun and learn about your campus community.

Orientation & registration

Are you ready to join the Bluffton University community for fall semester 2024? 

orientation and registration
dates fall semester 2024

  • Friday, June 21 - full
  • Monday, June 24

Register for orientation

What to expect
Summer registration

Orientation for students

Build your fall class schedule with an advisor. Learn more about Bluffton’s academic program and meet current students and future classmates. 

Bluffton orientation

Orientation for parents

Meet Bluffton faculty members and support staff, interact with “new” and “experienced” college parents and receive information about student success. 

Bluffton Olympics

Fall Welcome

The fall welcome program is a week of events designed to make the start of your college experience a positive one.

But first, Deposit

Students who have sent in their $100 advance deposit are eligible to register for orientation and registration.

If you have been accepted as a new student at Bluffton and want to register for orientation to enroll in classes, we encourage you to send in your advance deposit today.

Deposit today
