Homecoming/Alumni Weekend 2022

Alumni, Parents and Friends

Bluffton is so much more than just a fond memory of good times and good friends. Bluffton has helped to shape who we are today. Don’t let this place become a part of your past. 

1984 May Day Dance

80s Beaver Bash - Oct. 4

Join the class of 1984 as they mark their 40 year class reunion!


Homecoming, Oct. 4-6

Save the date to enjoy Beaver Tail-Gating, athletic events and friends! 

Reunion Zero

Reunion Zero, Oct. 4

Calling the class of 2024: Reconnect at Southgate Lanes.

Alumni Master's Degree Grant  

Alumni who completed their undergraduate degree at Bluffton are eligible for a 20 percent tuition discount on Bluffton University master degree programs.


If you are looking to obtain an official transcript, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Keep in touch!

Send updates about your career, marriage, birth, retirement, etc., and we'll include it in the next issue of Bluffton magazine. >>> submit alumnotes

Contact alumni@bluffton.edu for more information about Bluffton University alumni relations.
