At Bluffton, you will explore a biblical worldview reflecting a peace church heritage while remaining in conversation with other Christian traditions. The religion department focuses on developing personal relationships with each student, allowing for mentorship, exploration of faith and professional guidance. This can lead to achieving your objectives after graduation.
Explore the field of religion and gain an understanding of the moral and spiritual crises of our time. Develop essential career skills of critical thinking, analytical writing, problem-solving, active listening and cross-cultural communication.
Bible and theology major or minor
Whether taken alone or combined with a major or minor from another field, you will prepare for life. Vocations may include seminary or graduate studies or work in the nonprofit sector and church ministry. Be immersed in the Bible, ministry, theology, ethics, and religious practices and traditions, and engage the world around you. Occupation outlook

Dr. Alex Sider, professor of religion, encouraged Alexis Cash to reach for the Ivy
League. She will enter Yale Divinity School in fall 2020 to earn her Master of Divinity.
From Bluffton to Yale

“Most of the classes for my major are taught by the same three professors and they all bring something unique to the table,” explained Shanaman. “They are all just passionate and full of knowledge. I feel like I’m getting a great education.”
major in Bible and theology
minor in Bible and theology
Complete a major in Bible and theology with the following guidelines.
Bible and theology major in four years
Peace and conflict studies minor
The peace and conflict studies (PCS) minor allows students to pursue peacemaking and conflict transformation in coordination with an academic major.
The PCS minor fits well with a semester-long cross-cultural experience in Washington, D.C. Students take three required PCS classes in addition to one semester off-campus to complete the PCS minor. This program offers students the opportunity to study peace related topics and gain valuable hands-on experience through an internship.
Bluffton University is member of the Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA).

During the summer of 2016, Blake Hershberger ’18, immersed himself in the Guatemalan culture. Hershberger lived in Guatemala City for one month with the aid of a $1,500 Summer Discovery Grant.
“One of the things I really want to do is not only learn about multiple cultures but also go to as many countries and as many cultures in those countries as I can."
a minor in peace and conflict studies
Youth ministry minor
a minor in youth ministry