Hands-on experiences
Gain publishing experience as a first year student through “Bridge” and “The Witmarsum.”
The Bluffton University Literary Journal
This Bridge is truly an invitation to cross over into other realms. Young writers created all these texts and images, from a wonderful range of places, points of view, backgrounds, gender, locations and experiences.
Read Spring 2024 Bridge >
How is Bridge produced?
Students representing various majors come together as an Editorial Team to produce
Bridge: The Bluffton University Literary Journal.
Young writers, between the ages of 14 and 24, are invited to submit works for consideration for
publication in Bridge: The Bluffton University Literary Journal. Our editorial associates are looking for writing that demonstrates virtuosity and
wonder, original writing that delights and challenges us.
If you are interested in submitting your work for consideration for a future edition,
please review these details for submission.