
Information technology

student at computer

In an information age characterized by rapid and powerful change, Bluffton University recognizes the need for flexibility in delivering academic programs in the area of computer science and information technology. IT majors are prepared for advanced study and high tech professions through a program that anticipates changes in knowledge requirements and professional opportunities for graduates. 

Information technology major

The information technology (IT) major provides students a range of educational coursework in computer science, web development, graphic design and business. Our graduates are employed in IT fields such as web design, application development, help desk support, IT security or become entrepreneurs.

The IT major is frequently paired with a minor in graphic design or business administration to enhance the student's career opportunities

47 hours
Required courses: 
ART 245 Introduction to Computer Graphic Design (3)
CPS 108 Computer Programming (3)
CPS 112 Object Oriented Program With Web Applied Data Structures (3)
CPS 322 Database Systems (3)
PMM 161 Introduction to Project Management (3)
TEC 110 Internet History, Technology and Security (3) 
TEC 115 Intro to Information Technology Systems (3)
TEC 235 Network Technologies & Telecommunications (3)
TEC 255 Google Cloud Computing Foundations (3)
TEC 265 Web Programming/Development (3)
TEC 370 Operating Systems & Architecture (3)
TEC 385 Technology Practicum 1 * (3)
TEC 400 Technology, Ethics, and Society (2)
TEC 425 Information Security and Data Protection (3)
TEC 485 Technology Practicum 2 * (2)

* Students can receive a maximum of 12 credit hours for an internship(s) or practicum(s).

Information technology minor

Required courses: 15 hours
TEC 110 Internet History, Technology and Security (3)
TEC 115 Intro to Information Technology Systems (3)
CPS 108 Computer Programming (3)
CPS 112 Object Oriented Programming with Web Applied Data Structures (3)
TEC 235 Network Technologies & Telecommunications (3)

Electives: Select 5-6 hours from the following courses. At least one course must be a 300/400 level course
ART 245 Introduction to Computer Graphic Design (3)
TEC 255 Google Cloud Computing Foundations (3)
TEC 265 Web Programming/Development (3)
CPS 322 Database Systems (3)
TEC 370 Operating Systems & Architecture (3)
TEC 400 Technology, Ethics and Society (2)
TEC 425 Information Security and Data Protection (3)

July 2024
