

The development of a historical frame of reference, an appreciation of the dynamics of change and an understanding of the modern world constitute the broad objectives of the offerings in history. Our aim is the development of specific competencies: the ability to pursue historical research with skill and integrity, the facility to analyze with insight and balance and the demonstrated capacity to write with clarity and readability.

History majors may choose to minor in International Studies - provided that no courses taken to fulfill the requirements for one area are used to meet those in another area (an exception to this rule is that HIS 340: Regional and National Studies or HIS 210: World History 1 or  HIS 212: World History 2 may count once for both the major and the International Studies minor).  The same rule holds true with regard to students wishing to have a minor in more than one area: no course may overlap among the different minors (while this rule may prevent students from doing certain combinations of minors using our existing course offerings, it does not exclude the possibility that other courses transferred in from other institutions might make these combinations possible.)

Students interested in using the history major in preparation for law school should also complete the pre-law minor. All majors are required to take at least one course in a non-Western area. Students considering graduate work in history are encouraged to consider a departmental honors project. Incoming first-year students might also want to consider the honors program.

In addition to the course requirements, all seniors will take a comprehensive examination covering all the subjects they have studied in history.

Non-majors are welcome in all history courses.
More info...

History Major

(39 hours)

Core interdisciplinary requirement: 
REL 276 War, Peace and Nonviolence (3) satisfies the Religious Understanding competency

Core requirements: (18)
HIS 200 Foundations of American Civilization (3) satisfies Exploring the Past competency
HIS 201 The Making of Contemporary America (3) satisfies Exploring the Past Competency
HIS 210 World History 1 (3) satisfies Exploring the Past Competency
HIS 212 World History 2 (3) satisfies Exploring the Past Competency
HIS 300 History: Theory & Application (3)
HIS 400 Research Seminar (3)

U.S. history Choose 9 hours from the following :
HIS 252 Ohio & the Old Northwest (3)
HIS 301 Studies in American History (3)
HIS 305 African American History (3)
HIS 310 U.S. Women's History (3)
HIS 320 Civil War & Reconstruction (3)
HIS 325 The Great Depression and World War II (3)
HIS 380 History Internship (2-4)
HIS 390 Independent Study in History (3)


There are three possible minors in history in the separate areas of history, international studies and pre-law. History majors may have a minor in international studies, provided the guidelines outlined above are adhered to. Minors include the courses listed below:

History minor 

(18 hours)
HIS 200 Foundations of American Civilization (3)
HIS 201 The Making of Contemporary America (3)
HIS 300 History: Theory and Application (3)

Choose one of the following:
HIS 210 World History 1 (3)
HIS 212 World History 2 (3)
HIS 340 Regional and National Studies (3)

Choose two of the following:
HIS 301 Studies in American History (3)
HIS 302 Studies in European History (3)
HIS 305 African American History (3)
HIS 310 U.S. Women's History (3)
HIS 312 European Women's History (3)
HIS 320 Civil War and Reconstruction (3)
HIS 359 Mennonite History and Thought (3)

International Studies minor 

(18 hours)
Core: 12 hours
HIS 340 Regional and National Studies  (3)
HIS 340 Regional and National Studies (3)  (second topic)
   or HIS 210 World History 1 (3)
   orHIS 212 World History 2 (3)
PLS 272 Global Politics and International Relations (3)
PLS 285 Comparative Politics (3)

Electives: 6 hours
ECN 371 International Trade and Investment (3)
ECN 382 Economic Development and the Environment (3)
GEO 111 Principles of Geography (3)
Selected cross-cultural semester study abroad programs

Pre-Law minor 

(18 hours)
CRJ 345 Restorative Justice: Theory & Practice (3)
    or CRJ 340 Conflict Transformation and Mediation (3)
COM 212 Argumentation and Advocacy (3)
CRJ 180 Law, Justice & Society (3)
CRJ 303 Constitutional Law (3)
CRJ 310 Criminal Law & Procedure (3)  
ENG 205 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3)
    or ENG 207 Professional & Technical Writing (3)

Strongly recommended courses:
Economics: ECN 141 Macroeconomics (3)

Elective in political science or history: take one of the following (3)
  PLS 385 Political Science Internship
  HIS 300 History: Theory and Application or any upper level history course (excluding HIS 400)

REL 274 Christian Ethics (3) 

Adolescent/young adult licensure in integrated social studies

(88 hours)
Students who wish to obtain an Ohio teaching license for adolescent/young adult (7-12) in social studies must complete the following courses, in addition to general education and major requirements, including BENV 400 Enduring Value Capstone:

HIS 200 Foundations of American Civilization (3) satisfies Exploring the Past competency
HIS 201 The Making of Contemporary America (3)
HIS 210 World History 1: Global Foundations (3)
HIS 212 World History 2: The Age of Global Contact (3)
HIS 300 History: Theory and Application (3)
HIS 400 Research Seminar (3)
COM 120 Communication for the Common Good (3) satisfies Speaking and Listening competency
ECN 141 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
ECN 142 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
GEO 111 Principles of Geography (3)
PLS 100 Introduction to Political Science (3)
PLS 251 American Political Process (3)
PLS 272 Global Politics and International Relations (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3)
REL 276 War, Peace and Non-Violence (3)
SOC 152 Introduction to Sociology (3)

Required professional education courses:
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers & Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology & Instructional Practices(3)
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
EDU 403 Adolescent/Young Adult Special Methods: Social Studies (2)
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)

All of the previously listed professional education courses, plus the completion of all licensure area course work, are prerequisites for student teaching:

EDU 416 Pre-Student Teaching (1)
EDU 451 Student Teaching: Adolescent/Young Adult (13)

July 2024
