Bluffton College Foundation
Would you like to restrict your gifts for use by the Bluffton campus?
You can do that through Bluffton College Foundation.
The foundation will oversee an endowment to be used solely for Bluffton campus operations.
Earnings are not restricted for specific programs.
Gifts can be received online, by mail or by planned or deferred gifts such as bequests and trusts. Contributions to Bluffton College Foundation are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
The foundation, an institutionally-related, nonprofit, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) organization, serves as a repository for gifts restricted for Bluffton campus. It was established in 2024 by supporters of Bluffton University.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is an endowment?
- Endowments serve institutions by providing stability over time - the principal of the gift is not spent, while endowments generate earnings year after year that can be spent. This spending allocation can provide scholarships for financial aid offers; support the arts and historic traditions; and inspire academic program innovation. Bluffton University currently has a $27 million endowment, but 99 percent of the principal and its earnings are restricted for specific purposes.
- How can I make a gift to Bluffton College Foundation?
- The easiest way to make a gift to Bluffton is through our secure online giving form.
- Gifts can also be given via check payable to Bluffton College Foundation mailed to: Bluffton University Advancement, 1 University Drive, Bluffton OH 45817.
- Can I make monthly gifts to the Foundation?
- Yes, to set up a monthly gift to the foundation, select “Donate Monthly” on the online giving form.
- Can I change my estate to include Bluffton College Foundation?
- Yes! Please contact Julia Szabo, senior development officer, at 419-358-3245 or to talk about planned giving.
- Who can I contact if I have questions about my gift?
- Please contact the Advancement Office at