This page contains links to documents that were used in mathematics seminar presentations (as well as other presentations by mathematics faculty). Some of these items have instructions included so that you can experiment with them on your own; others were used for demonstration purposes and may not be understandable to someone who did not attend that particular presentation. Also note that large files (over 100K) have size indicated in brackets.

[XL]An Excel spreadsheet. Note that some spreadsheets contain macros, which may prompt a warning from Excel or virus protection software.
[NB]A Mathematica notebook. Many of these are designed to produce graphs, but all graphs have been removed from these notebooks to conserve space.
[WD]A Microsoft Word document.
[PP]A Microsoft PowerPoint document.
[QT]A QuickTime movie.
[PDF]A PDF file.

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02/19/2002Tiling Square Rooms with Equal Stacks, or Solutions to x2ny = 1
Don Hooley
12/11/2001This talk was also given at the San Diego Joint MAA/AMS meetings, January 6, 2002.
 Reflecting Walls for Bouncing Balls
Darryl Nester
12/4/2001This talk was also given at the San Diego Joint MAA/AMS meetings, January 6, 2002.
 An Elementary Diversity Index Developed Using Taylor Series
Donald Hooley
11/13/2001Simulating Probabilities with Excel and Visual Basic
Darryl Nester
11/27/2001On Triangles, Spheres, and "How big is South America?"
Steve Harnish
10/23/2001Surviving a (Trig) Identity Crisis
Darryl Nester
10/16/2001How Can I Make This Line Shorter?
Donald Hooley
9/18/2001Mathematics Learned
(or Recalled)
While Working on my House
Darryl Nester
6/23/2001String Art
(MAA meeting)
Bouncing a ball
on a slanted wall
Darryl Nester/
Steve Harnish
(Friday Colloquium)
On Creating Mathematics:
What Arthur (Cayley) and Blaise (Pascal) never knew
Steve Harnish
2/15/2001Beetles on Triangles
Darryl Nester
Stephen Harnish
1/25/2001String Art
Darryl Nester
11/30/2000Cellular automata
Jon Curtis
11/9/2000The Gini index
George Lehman
10/19&26/2000Random Walks
Darryl Nester
10/5/2000Error-correcting codes
Stephen Harnish
9/28/2000"Dueling Actuaries"
Darryl Nester
9/14/2000Creating QuickTime movies
Stephen Harnish

(More to come!)