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Psychological and Emotional Expressiveness


The Meeting at the Golden Gate

fresco, 1304-20
Arena Chapel, Padua

Giotto, Meeting at the Golden Gate Although Giotto's figures are not life-size, they have sculptural weight and solidity. In addition, Joachim and Anna, the parents of Mary, express real human emotions. A good story-teller, Giotto selects the most dramatic moment, the tender reunion of the couple after each has had a vision that Mary will be their child.

The Lamentation
fresco, 1304-20
Arena Chapel, Padua

Giotto, Lamentation Not only does Giotto express the extremes of emotions and the most dramatic moment, but he arranges his compositions realistically, here with figures in natural space, some even with their backs to the viewer--as we would actually see them.

Art History for Humanities: Copyright © 1997 Bluffton College.
Text and image preparation by Mary Ann Sullivan. Design by Gerald W. Schlabach.

All images marked MAS were photographed on location by Mary Ann Sullivan. All other images were scanned from other sources or downloaded from the World Wide Web; they are posted on this password-protected site for educational purposes, at Bluffton College only, under the "fair use" clause of U.S. copyright law.

Page maintained by Gerald W. Schlabach, Last updated: 19 April 1999.