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The Toreador Fresco


Many wall paintings have been discovered adorning the walls of Minoan palaces. Often these depict scenes of daily life. This large example (about 3 feet high) may depict a Minoan ceremony of bull-leaping. The energy of the human participants (females at the end painted white and a male acrobat in the center) is strikingly represented while the charge of the bull is suggested through his elongated body. The bull, a common fertility symbol in early cultures, may have had ritual significance.

Art History for Humanities: Copyright © 1997 Bluffton College.
Text and image preparation by Mary Ann Sullivan. Design by Gerald W. Schlabach.

All images marked MAS were photographed on location by Mary Ann Sullivan. All other images were scanned from other sources or downloaded from the World Wide Web; they are posted on this password-protected site for educational purposes, at Bluffton College only, under the "fair use" clause of U.S. copyright law.

Page maintained by Gerald W. Schlabach, Last updated: 10/20/97.