Romantic Literature Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources:

Here are the class notes from my introductory teaching of Romanticism in the arts:
Lamar's Introductory Romantics lesson plan

And the overhead for this introduction:
Lamar's Introductory Romantics overhead

Or, again, if you'd like the PowerPoint from my May term (with much plagiarism from Steve and Mary Ann), here it is:
Lamar's PowerPoint on Romanticism and the Arts

Here are the class notes from my lesson on Whitman and Keats:
Lamar's Whitman and Keats lesson plan

Some links that may be of use:

English Literature on the Web

John Keats
John Keats

The main homepage for John Keats, with postings of his work, links, and other helpful references.

Romantic Circles

A Website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture.

Romantic Links

A page developed by the University of Pennsylvania's English department, complete with romantic links, electronic texts, and home page links. A true gem in the world of romantic webpages.


Romanticism On the Net is an International Refereed Electronic Journal devoted to Romantic studies.

Romantic Movement

An academic site with several romantic author links.

Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive

A Walt Whitman hypertext archive. If you need to knwo anything about Walt Whitman, we suggest you check out this site.

Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman

A United States Library of Congress site that offers access to the recovered notebooks of Walt Whitman.

Download a clip of Romantic music from Chopin

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Page created by Kathy Dickson.