Postmodern Literature Teaching Resources

Some teaching resources:

(If you have trouble accessing these documents, let me know--they seemed a little fickle when I was experimenting with them. If you're asked again for your password, just click cancel.)
This is the outline of my introductory lesson and PowerPoint on postmodernism and the arts (again with borrowing from Steve and Mary Ann).
Postmodernism and the arts lesson

Postmodernism and the arts PowerPoint

Here is my lesson plan for postmodern literature. The handout mentioned in the plan is posted below the lesson outline.
Postmodern literature lesson

Postmodern literature handout

I am also posting here a clip from the movie Maverick that I use in class; there is a copy of the DVD in the library.
Maverick clip

Some links that may be of use:

Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera

The Big Web Site about Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera New York Times Book Reviews

Anti-Agency: The Rhetorical Situation, Guilt, and the Power of Laughter in the Novels of Milan Kundera by Alan Taylor

List of Works, Prague Info, And More

Gabriel Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Modern Word: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Nobel Prize Internet Archive

Garcia Marquez' Labyrinth: A Biographical Site

Biographical and Critical Commentary

John Barth

John Barth

Dave Edelman site on John Barth: Biographical info, Works by Barth, and Criticism.

New York Times Book Reviews of Barth

Postmodernism Information

Postmodernism: Definitions and Criticism

A Theological Perspective of Postmodernism

Postmodernism: rearranging the furniture of the universe, by: Fayaz Chagani

Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory, and Postmodern Thought: information about well known postmodern thinkers

Download a clip from Postmodern Composer John Cage.

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Page created by Phil Wiechart