Neoclassical Literature Teaching Resources

Teaching suggestions:

Here are my lesson notes for the introduction to the Classical/Neoclassical period:
Lamar's Introductory Classical-Neoclassical lesson plan

And here is my overhead for the introduction to the Classical/Neoclassical period:
Lamar's Introductory Classical-Neoclassical overhead

Or, if you'd like a PowerPoint presentation, which includes material that Steve and Mary Ann often cover in their lectures, devloped for my May term class, here it is:
Lamar's Neoclassical PowerPoint

These are my lesson notes for the session on Tartuffe:
Lamar's Tartuffe Notes

Some links that may be of use:

Neoclassical Literature -

Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature
view lecture notes from Odessa College

More Neoclassical Characteristics
a short summary of Neoclassicism from Waycross College

Compared to Romantic Literature
gives some general distinctions between Neoclassical and Romantic Literature

Tartuffe -
Reactions to Tartuffe
read about some reactions/theological reactions to the play
Moliere -
Biographical Information on Moliere
from Herbert H. Lehman College
More Biographical Info on Moliere
extensive biography (from "Moonstruck")
Brief Biographical Info on Moliere
also includes discussion issues (from Creighton University)
Download a clip of classical artist Mozart.

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This page created by Bethany L. Stelzer