Holocaust Teaching Resources 

The Holocaust

Do I want to remember this world upside down? Where the departed are blessed with an instant death. While the living condemned to a short wretched life, And a long tortuous journey into an unnamed place, Converting Living Souls, into ashes and gas. No. I Have to Remember and Never Let You Forget.   From I Cannot Forget, a poem by Alexander Kimel - A Holocaust Survivor

Teaching Suggestions:

Lamar's lesson on the Holocaust and Wiesel
As you'll see, I make reference to a video, The World at War: Genocide (in the library), which I show students the preceding period. If you're interested, you're welcome to the handout about canonical and Nazi law, which I have borrowed from Jim.

Some links that may be of use:

   Information About the Holocaust:

A "Cybrary" of the Holocaust
An amazingly extensive site including virtual tours of concentration camps, testimonies of witnesses, and much more.

Nizkor Holocaust Educational Resource
Another very helpful site. Nizkor is a Hebrew word which means "We will remember."

Holocaust Literature
Contains links to literature about and related to the Holocaust. Created by Al Filreis of the University of Pennsylvania.

Holocaust Heroes
Devoted to those who helped Jewish people escape persecution

Holocaust Home Page
Many links to Holocaust information

   Resources for teaching about the Holocaust:

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
An extesive site including wonderful teacher resources and student activities

Teacher Resource Center
Contains helpful teaching resources, including lesson plans

   Holocaust Museums:

Simon Wiesenthal Center

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  Kaddish - The Jewish Prayer of Mourning
Kaddish - The Jewish Mourners' Prayer
The Kaddish in Hebrew, in English, and in Real Audio

   Information About The Spanish Inquisition:

Spanish Inquisition
A short history from North Park University

The Spanish Inquisition
Gives a complete history of The Spanish Inquisition

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This page created by Bethany L. Stelzer